
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Carry out God's Every Wish

 ‘I have found David, son of Jesse,
a man after My own heart; 
he will carry out My every wish.’ 
ACTS 13 : 22

Father in heaven, my faith and destiny is entirely at the palm of Your hands. Be praised and glorified O Lord for raising me up to be a leader of Your people through Christ Your Son who is my true King and Savior.

Today, I humbly ask and pray for Your own heart O Lord so that I may be able to carry out Your every wish. Make me more like Jesus everyday so that people will see You and not me. I am nothing without You O Lord and only You can make all things happen. To You O God, I surrender everything. All glory, honor, and praise are Yours now and forever!

With much love and thanksgiving, I humbly pray in Jesus Name. Amen.