
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Desire Not What is Vain

Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord? 
Or who may stand in his holy place? 
One whose hands are sinless, 
whose heart is clean, 
who desires not what is vain. 
PSALM 24:3-4

You shall receive a blessing from the Lord, a reward from God your savior.

Blessings and rewards always come to those who believe and accept the truth that all things seen and unseen belong to God. As the Lord said, "seek first the kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto you". Our humanity speaks of our sinfulness and worldly desires but the Spirit of the Lord that works in us makes us one with Him all the things we do. We were all made in the likeness and image of God who is pure and righteous. It is in His love and goodness that we live a life that is full.

In good times or in bad, the Lord continues to bless you. His blessings are not just for a chosen few, it is for all. God gives blessings and rewards out of His love and generosity regardless of who you are and what you are. His love is unconditional and He makes the sun rise to both the righteous and the sinner.

Father in heaven,  You alone are the one true source of all my joys in life! Thank you so much for the immense blessings and rewards You have stored for me today. You are the one true giver of all the blessings and rewards I receive each day. 

Everything I have is Yours including my very own being. You alone can make nothing turn into something. May I always rest upon your love and embrace, making me productive and fruitful in all the undertakings and works that you do in me. Please forgive me for the times when I have focused more on the gifts rather than the giver. I have sinned in my works and intentions of my heart. I have desired for things that are vain and I just ask for your mercy and love. 

Even when I am unfaithful, you remain to be always faithful. You have rewarded me with a new life each day that makes me move to bring glory to your Name. Such are the wonders of your love miracles that makes life more meaningful. I rest upon Your love and embrace, making me productive and fruitful in all the undertakings and works that You do in me. 

With much love, respect and thanksgiving I pray, in Jesus Name. Amen.